I'm E.
I make a lot of stuff. I'm not new to blogging, but I am new here. My other blog, E Made This is mostly about sewing, but being the cook that I am, I decided to create this space to write about food.
I love food! I love to cook. I love to feed people what I cook. About a year ago, I figured out that I was not able to eat dairy. I won't go into the details of all of that, but I will boil down the drama by saying that eating all forms of dairy, be it butter, milk, cheese, or cream makes me feel really ill.
Living dairy free, unfortunately is rather annoying and difficult at times. I dearly miss butter and I weep for the loss of delicious cheeses. I've also thought about enshrining my copies of The Art of French Cooking as a token of remembrance.
While I was still the only guest at my little pity party, I remembered: Hey--I can cook! This isn't so bad. I'm going to figure this thing out.
Here's my beef:
I hate things that are _____ (fill in the blank) free. All these weird fake cheeses and chemistry created "butters" don't taste like dairy and the fakeness of them really defeats the purpose of eating more healthfully. I don't want some ersatz version of a cookie...I'd rather just not eat it.
Furthermore, _______(fill in the blank) free cookbooks are pretty depressing. Along with a lot of unappealing recipes, you get a good side of gloom and doom about whatever ____(fill in the blank) you happen to be eliminating from your diet.
What I hope to accomplish here is to write about good food. To write about delicious food that my family loves that just happens to be dairy free. I hope to throw some good cooking technique your way. I don't want to rant about how evil dairy is or how people who cook with it are out to get me.
So welcome. May you learn to eat delicious things because of this blog.